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Monday, February 15, 2010

Wiki Story

Remember that the students have been led out to the playground and are now doing the moonwalk with Jocko. The principal wanted to help, but she fainted and is now out of the picture. What do you think should happen next? Remember that your story will have to pick up with the students moonwalking on the playground.


  1. I think the kids and the aliens should go onto the space ship and they press a button that takes them to the aliens home planet.There home planet would be called planet 54.The kids would get air helmets from the aliens so they would be able to breathe on planet 54.

  2. i think that they should do the konga line onto the space ship and then fly to a space arcade.when there there they will sit down and look at the blue and red spiral on the screen.then all the aleins will say hippnotise,hippnotise,hippnotise and the students are under there command.

  3. my idea is to have the students and aliens do the moonwalk into the spaceship and have the spaceship blast of and leave it for the next class on a "cliff-hanger".


  4. I think that the kids should moonwalk into the spaceship. They get strapped in and get sent into cyberspace, stay there for a while, then turn so thin and fly through the window in the art class.

  5. My idea is to have the students
    conga into the space ship and have blast off then as they were flying over the school they ran out of fuel.Jocko says I should not have left it on while I was trapping them.

  6. The kids were mooonwalking toward the playground equitment and didnt know they were right near the slide and fell down backwards. the ship was landed right under the slide so they went into the ship and Jocko accidently pressed a button that made them go back to the art room.

  7. I think they should moonwalk on board the spacecraft and it should take off. Then Jocko flies the craft to Intergalactic Jail to drop off the kids. The kids then escape and become universally wanted, and thats how Star Wars starts

  8. I think that the kids moon-walking should start a dance party.Then Jocko calls for a conga-line and leads them into the spaceship.Once in the spaceship Jocko introduces the Grandparents of Star Wars.Therefor starting Star Wars.

  9. My idea is that the class moonwalks into the spaceship. When the class is all the way in the spaceship Jocko says that they can't see whats in there because the class might tell all the other classes his alien stuff so he tells the class to go back inside and to find Ms.Fish so the class can get back to there art work.

  10. I want it to go this way, Jocko and the class were doing the moon walk when Jocko bumbed into a space ship twice his size! It was lemon shaped with it's matalic coating shining againts the lighting. thenit's side opens and steme was wofting out, and a tall pink women shaped aliene with hotpink shaggy hair came out. The alien was Ms. Fish! She was an under cover aliene! Ms. fish thumped Jocko on the head and said that burning these delacet spieces is crule. She led us in the small space ship and inside it was 100,000,000 times the size! Then there was the count down and blasted off to there home planet.

  11. My idea is that the class should board the spaceship and Jocko shows them around and teaches them how a spaceship works. They later go back to the art room and tell Ms. Fish what they learned. They could draw pictures and tell about what they learned what life is with aliens and how it is to be in a spaceship.

  12. My idea is that students should go into the spaceship and Jocko shows them the inside. Then they are moonwalking in the spaceship with Jocko. Other aliens are in the spaceship and come out to see the students. The aliens were talking to the students and wanted to see their school.

  13. I think they should be moon-walking trip and fall into the spaceship when it was on reorbitation and flew somewhere far, far, away...

  14. We could take the story like this: Jocko tells them that there is a dance floor inside the spaceship so everybody go's into the spaceship and they take off. They go to a nother universe and they are they Starwars characters grand parents.

  15. Jocko says freestyle and they all dance onto the space ship.all of the suden Jocko says my plan is working perfectly and jumps on

  16. I like all of them.
