Welcome To Our Blog

The goal of this blog is to increase communication between school and home. This will be a great place for parents to learn more about what is happening in our classroom as well as a place for the students to share their thoughts and ideas by posting responses to the blog topics. Parents, I also encourage you to become involved in the discussions here at school by posting to our blog when topics allow.

Class Blogging Rules

1. Only your first name when posting to the blog.

2. Do NOT share personal information about yourself, especially your personal email address, home address, or phone number.

3. Think about who might be reading your blog entry, and make sure that you are polite and respectful of others' ideas.

4. Make sure your blog entry stays on topic.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

This novel is about a young girl named Shirley Temple Wong who must leave China after World War II to begin a new life with her mother and father in the United States. Shirley struggles to adjust to an American way of life while trying to also stay connected to her Chinese culture.  She doesn't speak English very well, so she finds it hard to make any friends at her new school. 

Have you ever been in a class when a new student arrived? Talk about how that new student was treated by you and the other kids.  Maybe you have been a new student in a class and you understand how Shirley felt when she arrived at P.S. 8.  If you have ever had to be the new student to a class, tell about how you were treated by the other kids.